The Garg Lab
At Yale School of Medicine
about us
We investigate the structures of genes and networks to understand how they contribute to heterogeneity in development and cancer. By understanding how cell systems build differences, we will identify new treatments for developmental disorders and malignancy.

Our approaches include data science, artificial intelligence models, systems biology, genomics, and RNA biology.
What we do

Stem Cells

In development, the embryo generates many cell types with distinct gene expression programs, leading to heterogeneity across cells. This is fundamental to complex life, but how genes and networks encode the information for this process in mammals remains mysterious. At right, the early mouse embryo shows the beginnings of polarization (arrow) and lumen formation (dashed area), two key steps in development. Also shown is variable expression of gene Nanog (right). Our goal is to define the mechanisms by which variable expression (heterogeneity) arises. Image reproduced from Shahbazi et al, Nature 2017.

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what we do

Cancer Biology

Our hypothesis is that the same processes driving heterogeneity in development operate in tumors. This may be part of what makes cancer so difficult to treat - the tumor cells are following normal rules of development they learned in the embryo. We are making systematic comparisons between developmental programs and tumor programs, and using the knowledge gained to build deep learning artificial intelligence tools for precise diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Image reproduced from Moiso et al, Cancer Discovery 2022.

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Garg Lab is recruiting!

We are actively recruiting trainees and staff at all academic stages. PhD candidates in Yale's Biological and Biomedical Sciences program should contact Salil if interested in rotating. Candidates for postdoctoral fellowships can find information here.
